Two in the Bush Embroidery design detail

A Re-imagining

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Welcome to the beginning of a new venture, you will see the continuation of old favorites and the introduction of new designs.

After nearly 22 years of owning Nancys Stitch Studio (formerly Nancys Embroidery Shop), I have now sold it to Sue and Shanon at Busy Bee Quilt Shop and can now concentrate on doing what I love, designing and stitching.

Mary Self Textiles will continue the manufacture, online sales and wholesaling of the Jennifer Pudney needlepoint designs, the NZ made Strand yarn and my own designs.

Please be patient as I get the website up and running.

You can see the Jennifer Pudney designs here

5 Responses

  1. Audrey Hodson

    Hi Mary. Not sure how to get hold of you, so here goes. Thank you for the parcel of material with the design printed on it for the Dragonflies delight that you left in our courier box yesterday. That is good but I had thought that I was also to be getting a page with the instructions as to colours of wools and the type of stitches to be used in this design. Please advise
    Hope you are adjusting to a different pattern of activity after the madly busy time of moving out of Thorndon quay.

    With kind regards
    Audrey hodson

  2. Elaine Scoble

    I noticed that Busy Bee don’t have metal threads – Nancy’s always did, although not a huge range. Are you going to stock them – silvers and golds and other lovely colours???

    Best wishes for the re-Imagining – a wonderful idea!

    • Admin

      Hi Elaine, sorry for not getting back to you.
      Yes I still have the gmetal threads and will get them up on the website.
      I had over 50 different types – I think that this was a pretty good range.
      What in particular were you interested in?
      Regards Mary

  3. Vivienne

    Mary – you are wonderfull

    I have been trying to find a New Zealand supplier of Goldwork threads. It is very expensive buying from overseas – mostly because of delivery charges and tax.

    Will you eventually offer goldwork classes? I’m willing to travel to Wellington. The local guild doesn’t have a teacher. I only know of a few teachers in New Zealand.

    One of the things that has been difficult is buying a recently priced slate frame and trestles. No one supplies them in New Zealand and I had to buy from overseas.

    Thanks Vivienne

    • Mary Self

      Hi Vivienne, thank you for your message. Sorry for the delay in answering.
      As you can see from the website I do have some goldwork threads, but I am not up to the standard to teach.
      We do have Jo Dixie here in Wellington, she teaches around the country and also in Australia.
      She is teaching a one day class at Hutt Art in June – see here
      When I had Nancy’s Stitch Studio we did have frames, but unfortunately over time the makers reached retirement age and closed down.

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